We are FUTURE Youth,

the Youth Ministry of C3 New Hope

Meet Nick & Denise Diomis

Hi, we are the ministry directors of Future Youth.
What a privilege it is to serve the next generation.
We are committed to creating a place where young people can belong, have fun, grow and ultimately encounter God.

Our Commitment

C3 New Hope is committed to providing a child-safe and child-friendly environment for all who attend our services and mid-week meetings. 

We aim to ensure that children, families and staff have a safe and fun place to engage in Godly and meaningful relationships, receive and provide ministry and grow in their walk with Jesus. 

The C3 New Hope Safeguarding Children & Young People Framework has been set in place to safeguard under 18’s in attendance, as well provide procedures & guidelines to those who provide leadership, and those who serve on teams.

For more information about our C3 New Hope Safeguarding Children & Young People Framework as well as our Child Protection Policies, Procedures, Guidelines & Codes of Conduct, please click the link below:




Friday Nights

Friday’s are the best day of the week! We meet every Friday during the school term.


Mount Annan: 6:30pm - 9pm

What to expect?
On Friday’s, teenagers can expect a mix of social events, small group based discussion, praise & worship, games & giveaways, as well as messages from one of our trusted leaders.



C3 New Hope Mount Annan


Who is Future Youth for?
Grades 6-12


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to stay up to date.

Planning on coming to Youth?